Unit 8.3 - Async on Embedded


Exercise 8.3.1: Compass

In this exercise, we'll use the lsm303agr driver. Although the documentation doesn't show it, it supports async if you enable its async feature

Have a look at the examples in the lsm303agr-rs repository to get an idea of how to use this driver.

Using the lsm303agr driver, implement a compass. You can use the dial module to indicate the north pole's direction. You'll find a couple of todo!()'s with instructions.

Compiling the starter code yields a bunch of warnings. They'll be gone once your done.

Exercise 8.3.2: Blinky compass

The channel sender - receiver example in the embassy repository shows how to spawn separate tasks, and how to use channels to communicate between tasks. Using that knowledge, make the indicator LED in the dial module blink while magnetometer measurements are taken at the same time.

As we're not using defmt in this exercise, replace the unwrap!(<expr>) macro invocations with <expr>.unwrap() calls.