Unit 8.4 - The Embassy Framework


Exercise 8.4.1: Embassy project

This exercise is a bit bigger than you're used to: we're going to do a custom project using Embassy and the micro:bit V2. Work together in teams of 2 to 3 people during this exercise.

We have set up a crate for you to work on, with a simpl blinky application. You're free to adapt anything about it, it's just meant as a starting point. The crate resides in exercises/8-embedded/4-embassy-framework/1-embassy-project. Try it out to ensure the intial setup works.

You can choose from any of below projects:

  • Build a snake game that uses the LED matrix as game display. You can use the buttons as input, or use the accelerometer or magnetometer. Or a combination.
  • Create a light banner that reads text from UART, using the virtual COM port that is exposed by the interface MCU and shows it on the LED matrix.
  • Create an audio recorder that reads samples from the on-board microphone and replays it using the on-board speaker. Additionally, you can show and FFT chart or a volume meter on the display
  • Write a driver for the capacative touch sensor
  • Build a button masher multiplayer game. Who is the fastest button presser? Either have it work with the two on-board buttons, or connect multiple boards together somehow. Show the score on the LED matrix.