Unit 5.1 - Rust for Web


Exercise 5.1.1: Pastebin

This exercise is about writing a simple pastebin web server. Like the quizzer app, you will need to set up the project yourself. This webserver will be powered by axum.

  • Data is kept in memory. Bonus if you use a database or sqlite, but first make the app function properly without.
  • Expose a route to which a POST request can be sent, that accepts some plain text, and stores it along with a freshly generated UUID. The UUID is sent in the response. You can use the uuid crate to generate UUIDs.
  • Expose a route to which a GET request can be sent, that accepts a UUID and returns the plain text corresponding to the UUID, or a 404 error if it doesn't exist.
  • Expose a route to which a DELETE request can be sent, that accepts a UUID and deletes the plain text corresonding to that UUID.