Unit 2.2 - Ownership and References


Exercise 2.2.1: Move Semantics

This exercise is adapted from the move semantics exercise from Rustlings

While inside the exercises/2-foundations-of-rust/2-ownership-and-references/1-move-semantics folder, to get started, run:

cargo run --bin 01

This will try to compile exercise 1. Try and get the example to run, and continue on with the next exercise by replacing the number of the exercise in the cargo run command.

Some exercises contain unit tests. To run the test in src/bin/01.rs, run

cargo test --bin 01

Make sure all tests pass!

01.rs should compile as is, but you'll have to make sure the others compile as well. For some exercises, instructions are included as doc comments at the top of the file. Make sure to adhere to them.

Exercise 2.2.2: Borrowing

Fix the two examples in the exercises/2-foundations-of-rust/2-ownership-and-references/2-borrowing crate! Don't forget you can run individual binaries by using cargo run --bin 01 in that directory! Make sure to follow the instructions that are in the comments!